NEW YORK CITY-15 Aug 2010- It is my dream to travel the world! Last month I found myself in a beautiful state of Vermont, known as a state of green mountains, farms and maple syrup, United State of America. I’m not dreaming. This is true! It is greatest gift of the year I’ve been given after working hard for 2 years traveling around Mekong + ASEAN countries. This opportunity came across; because of a good friend + meaningful work connection from Sweet Mango Tours and Gross National Happiness American Project and it was kindly sponsored by Oscars Farm Vermont. My journey was accompanied a friend from the English Crazy Club.
On the way back from Vermont, we dropped in New York City for few days before heading home to Thailand. In the arm of the Big Apple, we got a chance to meet with Bennett Haynes, a friend who worked for ASEAN Youth Movement Media Team when he was in Thailand last year. Now he is based in New York City, working for a CSA (Community Sharing Agriculture) farm, called Hearty Roots. Everyday, he gets his hands dirty, working hard on farm, waking up early to get ready for delivering healthy vegetables for communities around New York City. Recently Bennett is in Bangkok for his TEDx talk on ‘Cultivating Alternatives’, the event starts tomorrow, be sure to check it out!
I’m ASEAN youth. It is America. Now I see the world!
Follow the ventures of my dream in America atwww.fromubon2vermont.wordpress.com
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