Saturday, October 29, 2005

Another Busy Days

Things around me always keep me busy all the time. It seems like I spend my life without weekend and vocation. Last night I just went back from BKK for an 5 day-educational trip: English & Communication Student's Field Trip. Before this trip we organised an 7 day camp - Sasom Dream Homestay Camp in a rural village in the same area of Nakor village where Greenway camp is located:

The new semester is approaching in a few days. I did not take a rest yet. I wish I could sleep for one or two weeks and wake up in another week. Could I do that?

By the way, my next month's schedule is still tight! On 3th Nov - the checkup at Siriraj Hospital in BKK, On 5-6 Nov - Trekking in Dong Natham Forest, touching the sea of fog on the mountaintop in Khong Chiam District. On 12-13 Nov - English Winter Camp at Niyom's old highschool.and on 16-20 Nov - Being a bus guide for the participants of the ship of southeast asian youth program 2005.

STILL I really don't know why I have to turn my life into this kind of path - travel over and over again. Let me ask you, have you ever been giving up on these of stuff, Netting?